What is Hypnotherapy?It may be best to begin with what hypnotherapy is not. Hypnotherapy is not stage hypnosis. Stage hypnotists are performers who are excellent at reading people. They seek extroverts who will put on a great show for the crowd. Whether or not their subjects are truly hypnotised is debatable, but they are willing to go along with the sometimes outrageous suggestions of the stage hypnotist. Hypnotherapy, by contrast, utilizes the heightened awareness of the hypnotic state to help you explore your phobia more deeply. You will be guided by the hypnotherapist to visualize yourself in a state of peacefulness and relaxation, even when confronting the object of your fears. During hypnotherapy, you remain in control. It is not possible for anyone to force you to do anything against your will, even under hypnosis. You will be tuned in to the work at hand, and so may not pay attention to your surroundings, but you will always be in charge of your own actions, behaviors and statements. Hypnotherapy is not the same as being “knocked out.” You will remember the things that occur during your hypnotic state, you will not be asleep or unconscious and you will be able to break the hypnotic trance at any time. How Does Hypnotherapy Help?Most of the time, we are distracted by our surroundings. Whether the TV is blaring, your kids are demanding attention or your spouse wants to talk, it can be difficult to fully focus on yourself. In addition, our conscious minds are cluttered. You may be worried about paying a bill, concerned about an upcoming project or planning tonight’s dinner. Even during a therapy session, these day-to-day concerns tend to distract us from focusing on our problems. In the hypnotic state, you are deeply relaxed. Your conscious mind is quieted, allowing your unconscious mind to deeply focus on your issue. You are also calmer, and therefore more receptive to positive suggestions and change. You are in control, you will decide how deep you go depending on your ability to focus. Just like anything else in life, practice makes perfect and as I mentioned earlier, Hypnosis is a natural state so it is my view that everyone can experience a level of hypnosis. As to what level you reach, depends on your focus and commitment to do so! Colin T MercerPsychotherapeuticCounsellorClinical Hypnotherapist Tel : 02891 889 564 email : contact@colintmercer